Spis Publikacji

  • Filipiak, K. i T. Kollo (2024). Covariance structure tests formultivariate t-distribution. Statistical Papers.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00362-024-01569-7.
  • Filipiak, K., M. John i Y. Liang (2024). Testing covariance structures belonging to a quadratic subspace under a doubly multivariate model. TEST.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-024-00922-0.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i M. Mokrzycka (2024). Discrepancy between structured matrices in the power analysis of a separability test. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 192, 107907.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2023.107907.
  • Filipiak, K., M. John i D. Klein (2023). Testing independence under a block compound symmetry covariance structure. Statistical Papers 64, 677-704.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00362-022-01335-7.
  • Klein, D., J. Pielaszkiewicz i K. Filipiak (2022). Approximate normality in testing an exchangeable covariance structure under large- and high-dimensional settings. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 192, 105049.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2022.105049.
  • Filipiak, K., A. Markiewcz i D. von Rosen, Eds. (2021). Multivariate, Multilinear and Mixed Linear Models. Springer.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i M. Mokrzycka (2021). Separable covariance structure indetification for doubly multivariate data. In: Filipiak, K., Markiewicz, A., von Rosen, D. (Eds.) Multivariate, Multilinear and Mixed Linear Models, str. 113-130. Springer.
  • Filipiak, K. i D. Klein (2021). Estimation and testing of the covariance structure of doubly multivariate data. In: Filipiak, K., Markiewicz, A., von Rosen, D. (Eds.) Multivariate, Multilinear and Mixed Linear Models, str. 131-155. Springer.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein, A. Markiewicz i M. Mokrzycka (2021). Approximation with a Kronecker product structure with one component as compound symmetry or autoregression via entropy loss function. Linear Algebra and its Applications 610, 625-646.
  • Filipiak, K., M. John i A. Markiewicz (2020). Comments on maximum likelihood estimation and projections under multivariate statistical models. In: Holgersson, T., Singull, M. (Eds.) Recent Developments in Multivariate and Random Matrix Analysis, pp. 51-66. Springer.
  • Ćwiek-Kupczyńska, H., K. Filipiak, A. Markiewicz, P. Rocca-Serra, A.N. Gonzalez-Beltran, S.-A. Sansone, E.J. Millet, F. van Eeuwijk, A. Ławrynowicz i P. Krajewski (2020). Semantic concept schema of the linear mixed model of experimental observations. Scientific Data. 7, 70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0409-7.
  • Filipiak, K., R. Khodsiani i A. Markiewicz (2019). Optimality of block designs under the model with the first-order circular autoregression. Statistical Papers 60, 77-97.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i M. Mokrzycka (2018). Estimators comparison of separable covariance structure with one component as compound symmetry matrix. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 33, 83-98.
  • Filipiak, K., A. Markiewicz, A. Mieldzioc i A. Sawikowska (2018). On projection of a positive definite matrix on a cone of nonnegative definite Toeplitz matrices. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 33, 74-82.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i E. Vojtkova (2018). The properties of partial trace and block trace operators of partitioned matrices. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 33, 3-15.
  • Roy, A., K. Filipiak i D. Klein (2018). Testing a block exchangeable covariance matrix. Statistics 52(2), 393-408.
  • Filipiak, K. i D. Klein (2018). Approximation with a Kronecker product structure with one component as compound symmetry or autoregression. Linear Algebra and its Applications 559, 11-33.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2017). Universally optimal designs under mixed interference models with and without block effects. Metrika 80, 789-804.
  • Filipiak, K. i D. Klein (2017). Estimation of parameters under a generalized growth curve model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 158, 73-86.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i A. Roy (2017). A comparison of likelihood ratio tests and Rao's score test for three separable covariance matrix structures. Biometrical Journal 59, 192-215.
  • Bailey, R.A., P. Cameron, K. Filipiak, J. Kunert i A. Markiewicz (2017). On optimality and construction of circular repeated-measurements designs. Statistica Sinica 27, 1-22.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2017). Universally optimal designs under interference models with and without block effects. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46, 1127-1143.
  • Filipiak, K., D. Klein i A. Roy (2016). Score test for a separable covariance structure with the first component as compound symmetric correlation matrix. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 150, 105-124.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2014). On the optimality of circular block designs under a mixed interference model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 43, 4534-4545.
  • Filipiak, K. i R. Różański (2013). On the E-optimality of complete block designs under a mixed interference model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 143, 583-592.
  • Filipiak, K. i D. von Rosen (2012). On MLEs in an extended multivariate linear growth curve model. Metrika 75, 1069-1092.
  • Filipiak, K., A. Markiewicz i A. Sawikowska (2012). Determinants of multidiagonal matrices. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 25, 101-117.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2012). On universal optimality of circular weakly neighbor balanced designs under an interference model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 41, 2356-2366.
  • Filipiak, K. (2012). Universally optimal designs under an interference model with equal left- and right-neighbor effects. Statistics and Probability Letters 82, 592-598.
  • Filipiak, K., A. Markiewicz i R. Różański (2012). Maximal determinant over a certain class of matrices and its application to D-optimality of designs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 436, 874-887.
  • Filipiak, K., A. Markiewicz i A. Szczepańska (2009). Optimal designs under a multivariate linear model with additional nuisance parameters. Statistical Papers 50, 761-778.
  • Filipiak, K. i R. Różański (2009). Connectedness of complete block designs under an interference model. Statistical Papers 50, 779-787.
  • Filipiak, K., R. Różański, A. Sawikowska i D. Wojtera-Tyrakowska (2008). On the E-optimality of complete designs under an interference model. Statistics and Probability Letters 78, 2470-2477.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2007). Optimal designs for a mixed interference model. Metrika 65, 369-386.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Szczepańska (2007). A-optimal designs under a quadratic growth curve model in the transformed time interval. Biometrical Letters 42(2), 85-96.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2005). Optimality and efficiency of neighbor balanced designs for correlated observations. Metrika 61, 17-27.
  • Filipiak K. i A. Szczepańska (2005). A-, D- and E-optimal designs in quadratic and cubic growth curve models with correlated errors. Biometrical Letters 42/1, 43-56.
  • Filipiak K. i R. Różański (2005). E-optimal designs under an interference model. Biometrical Letters 42/2, 133-142.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2004). Optimality of type I orthogonal arrays for general interference model with correlated observations. Statistics and Probability Letters 68, 259-265.
  • Filipiak K. i R. Różański (2004). Some properties of cyclic designs under an interference model. Colloquium Biometryczne 34A, 29-42.
  • Filipiak, K. i A. Markiewicz (2003). Optimality of neighbor balanced designs under mixed effects model. Statistics and Probability Letters 61, 225-234.
  • Filipiak K. i R. Różański (2003). Optimal and efficient designs for an interference model with correlated observations. Colloquium Biometryczne 33, 97-110.
  • Filipiak, K. (2002). Optimal designs for an interference model. Colloquium Biometryczne 32, 67-78.
  • Filipiak, K. (2001). Optymalne układy blokowe w modelu liniowej wariancji. Colloquium Biometryczne 31, 83-90.